
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 1 - Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis (Omnicentric)

Hello There. Day 1 today of Tracy Anderson's "Metamorphosis" program. It's a 90 day program and you can watch the video below if you want to know more about it :)

I choose to do the omincentric program because I need to tone up EVERYWHERE post baby. I gained 65 pounds (ekk) during my pregnancy with my son and since he was born in April I've lost half of that weight. Which means I have 30 pounds at LEAST that I want to loose.

Day 1 work outs I did first thing this morning. I decided to do the Cardio work out first which was 30 minutes long and I looked so ridiculous doing it. I swear I looked like a drunk person trying to river dance. I did get a good sweat though and I think I burned a decent amount of calories. I did have to stop about 3 times to take care of the baby. I managed to finish it though and moved straight on to Day 1, Disc 1 of the program. You do the same work out for 10 days before you move on to the next disc.

The arm work out was great, I loved the burn. The ab work out was tough, my abs just not the same post pregnancy, I'm hoping this program really helps shrink my mid section and tone it up. The floor work... well that was the painful part. My sciatic nerve was really acting up and I could only do about half the reps on each leg. I got through it though!

My eating has been very clean today. I am eating 90% vegan, 10% vegetarian. I'm trying to stay away from the salt and no processed foods. I plan to use a lot of the recipes from Tracy's program, just not follow it to the T.

This morning I had a shakeology for breakfast and for lunch I made the Veggie Protein soup from her nutritional guide.

Not sure whats on the menu for dinner tonight. I can already feel the soreness in my body. I'm really hoping that by the end of the 90 days I am back in some of my pre pregnancy jeans/clothes. That's the goal.

I weighed myself, took my measurements and before pics today. Won't be posting those yet, maybe after the first 30 days when I get some progress.


  1. i just found this now..we need more updates!
    this program is so incredible..funny we're doing the workouts in opposite order..i'm scared i'll get too tired from cardio for muscle work, plus i like muscle work better

  2. Hi Jenny, I just started following you on twitter because I decided that in 2012 I wanted to go veggie. I'm into strength/power training and wondered if you had any advice for substituting all the tuna, chicken and turkey that I normally eat. I want lots of protein without cruelty :)

  3. hey! just found your blog in my followers and i want to thank you for following me! I have heard of the tracy anderson method, I can't wait to hear how it goes with you! :D it looks like a lot of fun!
